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Max Publishing / Max Exhibitions Ltd
Exhibitor Booking Standard Terms And Conditions

The Following Terms and Conditions apply to Max Publishing Ltd, Max Exhibitions Ltd and all associated group companies with common ownership (including but not limited to),




These Rules and Regulations (hereinafter “Rules”) are incorporated into and form part of the Contract between the Organisers and the Exhibitor (as these terms are defined below). They should be drawn to the attention of the Exhibitor’s employees, agents and contractors. Additional copies are available on request.



Interpretation of these Rules in translation

The laws of England shall govern these Rules and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts. In the event of any dispute as to the interpretation of these Rules if translated into a foreign language, the English version of these Rules shall prevail.

Terms of reference
In these Rules:


“the Authorities” means

The Local County, Regional and Borough Councils; The Local Fire Brigade and Police Department; The Insurance Companies contracted in connection with the Exhibition or the Exhibition premises by the Landlords and or the Organisers; The Home Office, any other relevant Government Department and any other competent body having authority or control over the premises;


“the Landlords” means

The Owners and/or Management of the venue for the Exhibition or their successors in title;


“the Organisers” means

Max Publishing Ltd, Max Exhibitions Ltd or its successors in title as noted on your contract - I.E. London Stationery Show as commonly known, whether owned and operated by Max Publishing, a company within common ownership, or a different entity in the event of merger, aquisition or otherwise in whereby completed via legal form;


“the Exhibition” means

The event as named and dated on the cover of these Rules and Regulations;


“the Conference” means

The Chartered Institute of Housing Conference taking place simultaneously with the Exhibition


“the Contract” means

The agreement of which these Rules form part made between the Exhibitor and the Organisers for the provision of space at the Exhibition;


“the Contract Price” means

The amount shown as the total cost payable by the Exhibitor in the Contract;


“the Exhibitor” means

Any company, partnership, firm or individual for whom space has been allocated or provided pursuant to a contract with the Organisers for the purpose of exhibiting at the Exhibition and includes all employees, servants, sub-contractors and agents of the Exhibitor;


“the Exhibitor’s Manual” means

The manual to be prepared by the Organisers and distributed to the Exhibitor prior to the Exhibition, setting out practical aspects of the Exhibition.


Unless the context otherwise requires references in these Rules to the masculine gender include the feminine and to the singular include the plural and to persons include corporations and in each case vice versa. The headings used in these Rules shall not form part of the contract.


Exemption from any obligation duty or liability under these Rules may be given only at the Organizers’ discretion and any such exemption will only be effective if it is in writing.


1. Regulations


The Exhibitor shall not contravene:

(a) Any Act of Parliament for the time being in force relating to the Exhibitor’s stand or exhibits or other property;
(b) Any requirements from time to time imposed by the Authorities;
(c) Any requirements or restrictions imposed by the Landlords in force at the time of the Exhibition;
(d) The conditions of any licenses for the sale of tobacco, wine, beer or spirits or of any theatrical or musical performance, dancing, cinematographic, boxing or other licenses held by the Landlords’ or the Organisers’ in relation to the premises at which the Exhibition is held;
(e) Any copyright or other rights held by a third party.

Exemption from any of the Rules may be granted at the Organisers’ discretion. No exemption purportedly given by the Organisers will be effective unless it is in writing.


2. Effect of Contract


The Contract creates a license to exhibit at the Exhibition and not a tenancy. The Contract is personal to the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor must not assign, transfer, part with, share or sublet the whole or any part of any stand or space allocated pursuant to the Contract save with the prior written permission of the Organisers. No name other than that of the Organisers or the Exhibitor may be displayed on such site or stand, nor may any literature or handbills in respect of goods other than those of the Exhibitor be there displayed or distributed.


3. Contract Price


Inclusions and Exclusions:-


The Contract Price Includes:

• Carpet on shell scheme stands
• Carpeting of Lounge Areas
• Basic Entry into Show Guide- Company Name, Contact Details, Stand Number, Max 100 word entry
• Entry on On-Line Exhibitor List
• Two Exhibitor Conference Passes
• Stand cleaning

The heating, lighting and air conditioning of the Exhibition venue, as agreed between the Organisers and the Landlords of the Exhibition venue.

The Contract Price Does Not Include (inter alia and without limitation):

Special connections for water, waste, gas or other such services, interior fittings and displays, signwriting, insurance, cleaning of exhibits loading and handling of equipment used in moving exhibits, labour for offloading and handling of exhibits during the preparatory and dismantling periods, facilities for the storage of empty packing cases during the Exhibition, provision of night sheets, floral decoration, furniture, telephones, electrical packages, any other special requirements of the Exhibitor.


4. Conditions of Payment


The Exhibitor shall pay the Contract Price to the Organisers in accordance with the amount and time for payment as expressed in the Contract, unless the Exhibitor’s application for the provision of space at the Exhibition is made within 30 days of the opening of the Exhibition when full payment will be due with the application. The Organisers may at their absolute discretion provide space at the Exhibition to an Exhibitor notwithstanding his failure to pay timely any part of the Contract Price. Non-payment or untimely payment of any part of the Contract Price or of any other sums properly due from the Exhibitor to the Organisers will give the Organisers all or any of the following rights, in addition and without prejudice to any other rights the Organisers may have:-


(a) To impose a surcharge of 4% per month on any sums due pursuant to the Contract but unpaid.

(b) To prohibit the Exhibitor from erecting and/or occupying the space or stand attached.

(c) To use the space allocated to the Exhibitor pursuant to the Contract in such a way as the Organisers think fit and to recover from the Exhibitor any expense in so doing.

(d) To exercise a general lien and power of sale on all the Exhibitor’s property in or about the exhibition Premises.

(e) To treat the Contract as terminated.


5. Exhibitor’s breach


The Organisers may terminate the Contract, but without prejudice to any accrued rights in respect of any breach by the Exhibitor, if:

(a) The Exhibitor fails to observe or perform any of the terms of the Contract and/or these Rules; or

(b) The Exhibitor gives written notice of his wish to withdraw from the Exhibition which the Organisers in their absolute discretion may permit by written confirmation.


6. Bankruptcy or Liquidation


Should an Exhibitor being an individual or firm become bankrupt, have a receiving order made against him or them or make any arrangements with his or their creditors or, being a limited liability company, go into liquidation (other than voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or have a Receiver appointed, the Contract with such Exhibitor shall terminate forthwith save that all fees paid shall be fortified and the balance of the whole of the space fee payable under the Contract shall become due and payable forthwith and such termination shall be without prejudice to any claim the Company may have against the Exhibitor in respect of any antecedent breach.


7. Withdrawal


The Exhibitor may at any time give written notice to the Organisers of its intention to withdraw from the Exhibition but in the event of such notice will be liable to make payments to the Organisers as follows:-


(i) Withdrawal from the contract to 271 days out of the show 25% of the Contract Price.

(ii) Withdrawal from the contract between 270 and 181 days out of the show 50% of the Contract Price.

(iii) Withdrawal from the contract between 180 and 121 days out of the show 75% of the Contract Price.

(iv) Withdrawal from 120 days out of the show 100% of the Contract Price.

In the event of withdrawal by the Exhibitor in compliance with the terms set out above in this Clause 7, neither party shall have any further claim against the other.

If the Organisers terminate the Contract on any of the grounds provided for in these Rules or any other valid ground then in addition to requiring payment of such sum or sums as provided for above in this Clause 7 the Organisers may at their option rely on all or any of the following provisions: -

(a) Such termination will be without prejudice to any claims by the Organisers in respect of antecedent breaches;

(b) The Exhibitor will be liable to reimburse the Organisers’ in respect of its costs and expenses arising from the termination;

(c) Any exhibits or property of the Exhibitor or under the control of the Exhibitor within the Exhibition premises may be required to be removed by the Exhibitor by a time stipulated by the Organisers and/or if considered necessary by the Organisers they may remove and despatch the said exhibits and property (at the Exhibitor’s risk and expense) to the Exhibitor’s address as shown in the Contract.

(d) These rights shall be additional to and not in substitution for any other rights to which the
Organisers may be entitled.


8. Insurance

8.1         The Exhibitor shall effect and maintain (at its or their own cost) the following insurance with an insurance company or underwriter of repute employers and public liability insurance of not less than £5,000,000 (five million pounds) and the Exhibitor shall, upon request, provide the Organisers with a copy of such policy of insurance and to inform the Organisers immediately if it becomes aware that such insurance ceases to be maintained. 

8.1.1        The exhibitor must conduct a thorough review to ensure it or they has its own protection for itself, staff, customers and visitors to its stand for all instances including loss, injury, theft including accidental instance cover.

8.2         The Organisers shall effect and maintain public liability insurance.

8.3         If the Exhibitor, its Exhibitors or Sub-Licensees causes or contributes to the occurrence giving rise to any claim relating to the Organisers PL Insurance, the Exhibitor shall keep the Organisers fully and effectively indemnified in respect of all amounts paid or payable by the Organisers in respect of any applicable deductible under such policy of insurance claim.

8.4         The Exhibitor acknowledges that save for the Organisers PL Insurance all other insurance cover shall be the responsibility of the Exhibitor, its Exhibitors and/or Sub Licensees as the case may be (but not so as to impose any obligation to effect any insurance other than insurance required by Clause 14.3).


8.5         The Organisers shall upon request provide the Exhibitor with details of the amount and extent of the cover provided by the Organisers PL Insurance and such other information as the Exhibitor may reasonably require in relation to the insured risks, the terms, conditions and exceptions from the insurances in effect for the Licence Periods. The Exhibitor, its Exhibitors and Sub-Licensees shall be deemed to have full notice of the amount and extent of the cover and of such terms, conditions and exceptions whether or not such details are requested. The Exhibitor shall immediately notify the Organisers of any act or thing which may cause any claim to arise under the Organisers PL Insurance.


8.6         The Exhibitor shall not, and shall procure that its contractors shall not, do anything (or omit to do anything), which it knows, or ought reasonably to know, shall cause the Organisers to incur any extra or increased insurance premium in relation to any insurance taken out by the Organisers nor make void or voidable any such policy of insurance. The Exhibitor shall immediately notify the Organisers of anything which may make void or voidable any such policy or policies of insurance or which may cause the premium or premiums to be increased.


9. Cancellation of Exhibition


If the Exhibition is abandoned, cancelled or suspended in whole or in part by reason of war, fire, national emergency, labour dispute, strike, lock-out, civil disturbance, inevitable accident, the non-availability of the Exhibition premises, or any other cause not within the control of the Organisers, whether ejusdem generis or not, the Organisers may at their entire discretion repay the fee paid by the Exhibitor, or part thereof, but shall be under no obligation to repay the whole or part of such fee and shall be under no liability to the Exhibitor in respect of any actions, claims, losses (including consequential losses), costs or expenses whatsoever which may be brought against or suffered or incurred by the Exhibitor as the result of such cancellation. If the Exhibition is cancelled for any cause within the control of the Organisers the Organisers’ liability to the Exhibitor shall be limited to the repayment of any fee or instalment thereof already paid to the Organisers by or on behalf of the Exhibitor.


10. Rights of the Organisers and Landlords


i Right of Entry

The Organisers, the Landlords and those authorised by them respectively have the right to enter the Exhibition premises at any time to execute works, repairs and alterations and for other purposes. No compensation will be payable to an Exhibitor for damage, loss or inconvenience so caused.


ii Failure of Services

The Organisers will use their best endeavours to ensure the supply of the services provided for the Exhibition and the additional services mentioned in the Exhibitor’s Manual but as the supply of such services is not within the Organisers’ control they shall not incur any liability to the Exhibitor for any loss or damage if any such services shall wholly or partially fail or cease to be available, nor shall such failure or lack of availability entitle the Exhibitor to any allowance in respect of sums paid or due under this contract.


iii Organisers’ Publications

The Organisers shall be free to include in either the Official Guide or other promotional material prepared or issued by them any material or information supplied to the Organisers by the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all such material or information and shall indemnify the Organisers from all liability arising from the publication of such material or information. The Organisers shall not in any event be responsible to the Exhibitor for any omissions, misquotations or other errors or for any breaches of copyright, which may occur in the compilation of the official Guide or other
promotional material.


iv Alterations of space allocated

The Organisers reserve the right to cancel, postpone or change the date and/or location and venue of the Exhibition or of any Exhibitor’s stand, and shall be under no liability in respect of any expenditure, liability or loss incurred by the Exhibitor. The Organisers also reserve the right at any time to make such alterations in the floor plan of the Exhibition or in the specification for the Exhibitor’s stand as in their absolute opinion they consider to be in the best interests of the Exhibition including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) altering the size, shape or position of the space allotted to the Exhibitor. If the space allotted to the Exhibitor is thereby reduced, there shall be an appropriate reduction of the price for the stand stated in the Contract.


v Photographic Rights

Photographic rights in the Exhibition are reserved to the Organisers who will appoint official photographers to carry out any photographic work required by the Exhibitor. Stands or exhibits may only be photographed, drawn, copied, or reproduced with the permission of the Organisers.


vi Admission to the Exhibition Halls.

The Organisers reserve the right to refuse any person admission to the Exhibition premises without assigning any reason and to charge visitors for admission. The organisers also have the further right to cause to be removed any person from the Exhibition premises at any time during the Organisers’ occupation of the Exhibition premises. The Organisers will issue official admission tickets for visitors and none other shall be valid. The Exhibitor will be supplied with passes for his personnel which must be produced on request. Passes and tickets are only valid in the name of the person to whom they are issued or sold.


vii Stand Signs

The Organisers reserve the right to affix the Exhibitor’s name and stand number, directional and/or other signage within or to the Exhibitor’s stand as may be required by either the Authorities or for the benefit of the Exhibition.


viii Additional Rules and Regulations

The Organisers may at any time in the interest of the good management of the Exhibition impose such further Rules and Regulations of general application as they may in their absolute discretion think fit.


11. Eligibility of Exhibits


Exhibits must fall within the defined scope of the Exhibition.

Used or second-hand exhibits are not acceptable unless by prior written agreement with the Organisers.


The Exhibitor shall not display on his stand any products, which fall into classes other than those described on the Application for Space unless prior consent has been given in writing by the Organisers.


In cases where the Exhibitor wishes to use borrowed equipment on his stand to demonstrate his own products, the display of the name of the firm lending the equipment is not permitted unless the firm is also exhibiting, in which case acknowledgement cards may be displayed.

When a firm, being a selling agent in the United Kingdom for another firm or firms, exhibits the product of the latter, the agent must state at the time of making application for space the name or names of the firm or firms to be represented at the Exhibition and undertake to confine the exhibits to the goods of those firms.


Exhibitors wishing to sell items (written approval required) – which could be classed as catering may be subject to a surcharge payable to the Official Caterers.

Allotment of space by the Organisers shall not imply that they accept the proposed exhibits, and the Exhibitor must satisfy himself that his exhibits comply with the Rules and Regulations.

The Organisers reserve the right to exclude and/or require to be removed any exhibit which, in their opinion, is not germane to the Exhibition. The decision of the Organisers as to the eligibility of exhibits will be absolutely final and binding.


The Organisers reserve the right to refuse acceptance of an application for space without entering into any correspondence.


12. Conduct of Exhibitor


i The Exhibitor shall not introduce onto its stand any product other than those produced or sold by the Exhibitor, and must not sub-let any part of its stand without prior written permission from the Organisers.

ii Cinematographs, photographic slides, amplifiers, flashing lights and neon signs may be used with the Organisers’ prior written consent.

iii Demonstrations are only permitted with the Organisers’ prior written consent.

iv No competitions, lotteries, draws or the like may be held without the Organisers’ prior written consent.

v All efforts to advertise promote sales and operate exhibits must be conducted so as not to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to other Exhibitors or visitors and must take place only on the Exhibitor’s Stand Space.
vi Solicitation which in the opinion of the Organisers gives rise to annoyance or danger is expressly prohibited.

vii Provision of refreshments must take place only on such portions of the stand or offices as are partitioned off and not open to the view of visitors to the Exhibition.

viii The Exhibitor must not sell from stock without the Organisers’ prior written consent.

ix The Exhibitor is not allowed to paste or otherwise to affix or exhibit advertisements anywhere in the building except on his own stand. The Exhibitor may not distribute advertising matter from the gangways but only from his stand and only in relation to his own goods. Handbills, advertisements, photographs and printed matter are subject to the approval of the Organisers.

x The Exhibitor must ensure that all gangways adjoining his stand are not blocked during build up and break down to a degree which inhibits the movement of other Exhibitors and freight. The Exhibitor is also responsible for ensuring that he places no obstruction in the aisles adjacent to his stand throughout the open hours of the Exhibition.

xi The Exhibitor shall ensure that the Exhibitor’s stand and exhibits are open to view and staffed by competent representatives during the Exhibition hours, failing which the Organisers may at the Exhibitor’s expense and in the Exhibitor’s name arrange for this to be done or for the stand and exhibits to be removed or closed. The Organisers shall not be liable for any resulting losses or damages of any kind.

xii The Exhibitor is responsible to the Organisers for seeing that his stand is maintained in a clean and tidy state throughout the period of the Exhibition

xiii The Exhibitor must conduct business only from his stand or appointed Exhibitor lounge areas. He must not under any circumstances canvass other Exhibitors or visitors elsewhere within the Exhibition Premises.

xiv The exhibitor must occupy their stand by 6pm of
the evening prior to the show opening.

xv The Exhibitor shall not arrange or hold Corporate Hospitality functions for delegates attending the conference, which take place during the conference sessions. Exhibitors are required to advise the Organisers of any corporate hospitality being arranged for more than 20 people during the course of the week, also of any promotion/launch or other event taking place on their stand.


13. Catering


All articles for eating or drinking within the Exhibition premises including any such articles given away must be obtained from the official caterers to the Exhibition details for whom will be included in the Exhibitor’s Manual.


14. Stand Cleaning


The exhibitor is responsible to the Organisers for seeing that his exhibits are maintained in a clean state throughout the period of the Exhibition.


15. Copyrights and Patents


i Exhibitors
The Organisers will not be liable for any damages the Exhibitor may sustain in respect of the infringement of any of his copyright arising out of his participation in the Exhibition. Certificates will be obtained from the Department of Industry certifying the Exhibition for the purposes of section 6 (2) of the Registered Design Act, 1949. Any Exhibitor wishing to avail himself of the protection afforded should make formal application for the registration of a design not later than six months after the opening of the Exhibition. Any Exhibitor wishing to avail himself of protection under the Patents Act of 1977 should make a formal application for the grant of patent prior to the Exhibition. Any Exhibitor wishing to protect his patent rights outside the UK must make his own arrangements.

ii Third Parties
The Organisers will not be liable for any damages or costs for which the Exhibitor may be liable in respect of his infringement of third party copyrights in connection with his participation at the Exhibition and will indemnify the Exhibitors against any such costs or damages. The Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that the use of any material (whether exhibits, promotional, visual or audio) if protected by copyright has been properly approved and any royalties due are paid.


16. Fire Precautions


Exhibitors will adhere to the Regulations of Manchester Central and other Authorities concerning explosive and dangerous combustible material and undertake to effect adequate insurance against any claims and associated risks. Exhibitors shall not jeopardise any current policies or licences, and shall in all cases comply with the special or any requirements of the Fire Insurance of the Manchester Central or other Authorities concerned. In no circumstances shall naked lights or unprotected halogen lamps, explosives or articles of a dangerous or inflammable or objectionable nature, or temporary gas or electrical fittings, to be installed or used in the Halls without the prior written permission of the Organisers, who shall be at liberty at any time to remove such articles from the Halls.


The Exhibitor shall observe the following provision:-

(a) Fireproofing
All display material must be made from fireproofed material to the satisfaction of the Authorities, the Landlords and the Organisers. Cloth materials used in the decoration of stands must be non-flammable.

(b) Inflammable Goods
Explosives, radioactive or highly inflammable substances may not be exhibited or brought into the Exhibition, but celluloid or articles mainly consisting of that material may be shown in glass show cases or otherwise protected from risk of fire in an approved manner.

(c) Fire Extinguishers
The Organisers and/or the Landlords will provide a suitable number of CO2 and/or water extinguishers to cover the Fire Officer’s requirements. Exhibitors requiring other forms of extinguisher such as powder, foam or sand are responsible for making their own arrangements. Extinguishers on an Exhibitor’s stand MUST remain in a prominent and accessible position at all times. Any Exhibitor committing a breach of any of the above provisions will be liable for all claims; loss and damage hereby caused and will indemnify the Organisers in respect thereof.


17. Design and Planning of Stands and Exhibits


Special permission must be obtained from the Authorities for any of the following:-


(a) Stands with a platform, catwalk or raised areas more than 0.6 metres above the floor.

(b) Stands incorporating heavy or unusual structures or exhibits.

(c) Stands exceeding 2.5m2 in height.

(d) Stands with a theatre style seating area of more than 15 seats

Approval has to be given by the appropriate Authorities for the design and structure. Approval of one does not imply approval of the other. Approval for the structure is conditional upon satisfactory inspection on site. In either case four copies of plans with structural calculations and weights must be submitted to the Organisers, for distribution to the Authorities. Exhibitors are reminded that they must satisfy the Organisers that the erection and dismantling of the stands and exhibits can be safely carried out within the allotted time. Any Exhibitor or his contractor wishing to use scaffolding, mobile cranes or hoists which would encroach on gangways or other sites, must first obtain equipment, must not block adjacent gangways nor prevent nor hold up work on other stands. The Organisers reserve the right to restrict the area of scaffolding or plant and limit the times during which it shall remain in the hall or on the stand.


No part of any stand or exhibit, including fascia, signs, lighting, corner posts or other fittings shall project into or overhang any gangway or adjacent stands or obscure any fire or exit signs. Exhibitors are requested to ensure that wherever appropriate they use environmentally sustainable materials in the construction of and display materials including low energy light bulbs on their stands.


It is essential that Exhibitors take steps when designing and constructing their stands to ensure that the disabled are not precluded from gaining access to their stand and comply with the terms of the Disability Access Legislation 2006. Exhibitors must therefore ensure that appropriate ramps are included as part of the stand design if platforms are used.

The supply of gas, electrical, water and waste services must be carried out by the Landlords or the official contractor, to whom all applications should be made as directed in the Exhibitor’s Manual. The Organisers or those authorised by them have the

right of access to and traverse and to take services from any exhibitors stand where necessary for service supplies to reach adjacent areas. Exhibitors are reminded that gas flues must be approved in writing by the Organisers. Exhibitors must when booking space verify that these are or can be made available on the site. Appropriate charges will be levied for services. Exhibitors whose stands adjoin or include part of the Hall structure, including pillars and columns, should visit the site with their designer to check measurements. Appointments to do this must be made with the Organisers at an early stage in the design.


18. Character of Exhibits and Sale of Products


The Organisers reserve the right to refuse accommodation for any exhibit the character of which, in the opinion of the Organisers and/or the landlords of the Exhibition Halls is unsuitable for the site allocated to the Exhibitor. Items offered for sale at the exhibition must be bona fide products at a reasonable and sustainable wholesale price. The use of the Exhibition for the "dumping" or "discounting" of artificially cheap clothing or accessories will not be permitted by the organisers.


19. Construction and Erection of Stands


A. Shell Stands

The Shell Scheme shall comprise:

1. A modular system constructed in anodised aluminium
with panels 2.5m high. The poles are spaced at 1.0m centres – dependent on size of stand (0.5m or 0.25m may be necessary).

2. A flag fascia, will be fixed to all open frontages at 2.20m above floor level. These will be supported on metal poles at the corners and elsewhere as necessary. (Maximum unsupported distance is 3.0m).

3. Each fascia will have a name panel displaying the exhibitors name and stand number only.

4. Any damaged panels will be charged to the exhibitor.

5. Support beams may be required to make the structure rigid. The height to the bottom of these beams will be 2.435m

The conditions governing all additional constructional work will be contained in the information and Exhibitor’s manual, which will be sent to all Exhibitors. In all cases no interior stand fitting may exceed the height of 2.43m from the floor. Shell stands and their fittings are supplied on hire only.

Shell Scheme Exhibitors wishing to change to space only will not be entitled to any credit or refund if the change is requested less than 90 days prior to the first open day of the exhibition.

All requests to change from shell scheme to space only must be made in writing.


B Space Only Sites


(i) Exhibitors must build stands on space only site, (stand walls to have a clean appearance wherever visible) and make their own arrangements for stand design and construction. All stands on Space Only sites will be subject to the approval of the Organisers both of drawing plans etc and when constructed, although the Exhibitor has freedom of design and choice of stand fitting contractor.

All Exhibitors must build a secure partitioning wall with clean appearance from within the stand against any side, which isn’t open and backwalls adjoining other stands to a height of not less than 2.5m.

(ii) All stand fitting is backed-up to present a clean
appearance from gangways and adjoining stands.
The Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that the rear of all their walls are backed-up and decorated where visible from adjoining stands or gangways or when the wall exceeds 2.5m in height.

(iii) Long runs of walling, particularly along open perimeter of stands, are not permitted without the Organisers’ prior written consent.

(iv) Full dimensional drawings showing all constructional details must be submitted to the Organisers for approval 90 days before the date of the Exhibition. However, drawings for twin decked stands or be those containing special structures, must be submitted 120 days before the date of the Exhibition. Late entry Exhibitors must submit drawings within 10 days of reserving space or immediately on contracting if within 20 days of the show.

(v) The Organisers reserve the right to prevent work being carried out by, or on behalf of, any Exhibitor who has not complied with the Rules and Regulations and submitted stand design drawings in accordance with the terms stated above.

(vi) To each open side of the stand must be displayed a stand number panel.

(vii) Exhibitors must ensure that appropriate ramps are included as part of the stand design to allow for access for disabled visitors.

(viii) Exhibitors taking space only must not use any wall of an adjoining Shell Scheme.

(ix) Mobile display units will only be accepted at the Organisers, discretion and then are subject to suitable site being available.


(xi) No items may be suspended from the hall ceiling or parts thereof.


20. Erection of Stands


Exhibitors, their agents or contractors must satisfy themselves on the first day of build up that the site and/or shell stand conforms to the dimensions shown on their accepted Application/Contract for Space, and bears the number officially notified.

Exhibitors are warned of the danger of striking or in any way interfering with sprinkler heads installed under the ceilings throughout the building and will be held responsible for any damage, whether caused by themselves, their contractors or their workmen.

In the interests of the Exhibition, the Organisers may in exceptional cases request the erection of particular stands on days and at times to be specified by them and vary the exhibition access times and exhibition opening times. These will be finalised in the Exhibitor’s Manual.

In no circumstances will the Exhibitor be permitted to erect or occupy a stand or site if the fee has not been paid in full. Should an Exhibitor be prevented from occupying his site for this reason, all fees paid shall be forfeited and the balance of the whole of the space fee due under the Contract shall be recoverable forthwith by the Organisers as agreed liquidated damages. The Organisers shall be entitled to utilise the site which has been allotted to such Exhibitor in such manner as the Organisers shall think fit and recover from the Exhibitor any expenditure incurred in so doing.


21. Obstruction of Stands and Gangways


Freedom of all main and cross gangways is essential for the build-up, open days and dismantling of the Exhibition. Exhibitors, their agents or contractors must not erect or place any scaffolding, trestles, cranes, hoists or other equipment or materials which will impede, delay or stop work on any other site. It is also the responsibility of the Exhibitor and his agents and employees to keep all such gangways clear of materials, packing cases, rubbish and equipment. The Organisers reserve the right to remove or have removed anything causing an obstruction in contravention of this Regulation and to charge the person responsible for the cost of so doing without prejudice to any claim for damages which the Organisers or any other persons may have by reason of such obstruction. Traps and other service openings in floors must be left accessible at all times, and where sited under stands, provision must be made for free access. Fire alarms, hydrants, exit signs, etc. must not be masked or obstructed.


22. Operating Machinery or Exhibits


Moving machinery shall, at the expense of the Exhibitor be installed and protected to the satisfaction of the Organisers and the Landlords of the Exhibition Hall. If such machinery shall, in the opinion of the Organisers, be too noisy or cause annoyance to other Exhibitors or to visitors, it shall be switched off on request from the Organisers.


No motors, engines, furnaces, contrivances or power-driven machinery may be exhibited in operation without adequate protection against fire risks without the written permission of the Organisers. Such permission may be withheld or withdrawn at any time should such operation of exhibits be of a nature likely to cause danger, annoyance or inconvenience to other Exhibitors or visitors.


Safety devices may be removed only when the machines are not in operation and not connected to the source of power and only for the purpose of showing a visitor the design and construction of the uncovered part or parts. In such a case, however, the safety devices which are removed must be placed immediately beside the machine.


23. Lasers


Laser equipment may not be used or exhibited without the written consent of the Organisers.

This consent is subject to the approval of the Authorities and the Organisers reserve the right to pass on to the Exhibitor any inspection fees charged in connection with this.


24. Official Contractors


Exhibitors may only use the Official Contractors appointed by the Organisers for the following services they may require: catering, electrics, lifting, air conditioning, additional stand cleaning, additional security, telephone, gas, waste and waste connections.

The Organisers reserve the right to change or appoint additional Official Contractors as may be found necessary or desirable.


For other services exhibitors may appoint their own contractors or use the Contractors recommended in the Exhibitors’ Manual.


The Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission to the Exhibition premises of any contractor or sub contractor not previously notified to them, or who is in the Organisers’ opinion not qualified to undertake the works expected of them.


25. Security


The Organisers arrange for 24 hour security of the exhibition halls, build-up days, open days and breakdown period, Each exhibiting company is responsible for their own stand and exhibits.


26. Delivery of Exhibits


Wherever possible every facility will be given to lorries, vans or other conveyances to unload at the Hall, but the Organisers reserve the right to specify the times and places or require the moving of any vehicle at any time in the interests of the Exhibition. The Organisers reserve the right to marshall vehicles to and from a vehicle assembly away from the venue. Exhibitors may arrange with their freight forwarders for exhibits to be delivered to the site but all work within the Halls must be carried out by the official freight contractor. As carriage and labour are not available on demand, Exhibitors should ensure that arrangements have been made in advance with the official freight forwarder for unloading vehicles. Entry for heavy or otherwise awkward loads should be arranged with the Organisers’ freight forwarders. Special times and entry gates will be specified by the Organisers or the Floor Manager, but immediate access may not be possible.


Unless otherwise informed, the Exhibitor, his servants, agents, employees and contractors may enter the Exhibition premises for the purpose of erecting his stand and preparing his exhibits during the build up period of the Exhibition on the dates shown in the Exhibitors’ Manual.

In no circumstances will the Organisers or their servants accept or sign for any goods, exhibits or other material on behalf of the Exhibitor. It is the clear responsibility of all contractors to remove their own materials, equipment and rubbish from the Halls and outside areas, and the Exhibitor should ensure that they fulfil these obligations. General rubbish must be cleared daily and not allowed to accumulate.


27. Public Performance


The Organisers reserve the right to refuse Exhibitors the use of PA sound system, videos or films or any other item used for public performance. All requests to use such equipment should be made in writing to the Organisers.


It shall be the responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain all rights and licences required for the use and public performance of any copyright material at the Exhibition. The Organisers do not authorise the use or public performance of copyright material.


In the event that an Exhibitor wishes to use audio-visual or sound equipment, the Exhibitor shall provide satisfactory evidence to the Organisers to show that the Exhibitor is entitled to perform the relevant material publicly or that no licence is required. Failure to provide such evidence will entitle the Organisers to require the Exhibitor to remove all audio-visual and sound equipment from the Exhibition. The Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Organisers from and against any and all loss, liability, damages costs and expenses suffered or incurred by the Organisers as a result of any use or public performance of any copyright material. The Organisers may need licences from either the Performing Rights Society Limited and/or Phonographic Performance limited to perform copyright material at the Exhibition.


Licences may be requested from:
PRS: 29/33 Berners Street, London, W1P 4AA.
PPL: Ganton House, 14-22 Ganton Street, London, W1V 1LB.
In the event that a licence is refused, please contact the Director General of Fair Trading at the Office of Fair Trading, Breams Building, London, EC4A 1PR.


28. Demonstrations


An Exhibitor wishing to carry out demonstrations on his stand must obtain the prior written consent of the Organisers, giving details of the intended demonstration.


All efforts to advertise, promote sales and operate exhibits must be conducted so as not to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to other Exhibitors or visitors. The following are prohibited: solicitation (in person or by any sound process) above the ordinary speaking tone of voice; any practice resulting in complaint from an Exhibitor or visitor, which, in the opinion of the Organisers, exposes them to annoyance or danger.


29. Competitions


No competitions or the like may be held without the written permission of the Organisers.


30. Notices


Any notice to be given to an Exhibitor shall be deemed to have been properly served if handed to him personally or to any person who is apparently his employee or representative or affixed to any part of his stand.


31. Breakdown


The Organisers’ tenancy of the Exhibition premises terminates on the last day of breakdown as stated in the Exhibitors’ Manual. All exhibits and other property of the Exhibitor, his servants, agents, employees and contractors must be removed from the Exhibition premises by the time stated in the Exhibitors’ Manual on that day and the Organisers shall be entitled, if, in their reasonable opinion the Exhibitor will be unable for any reason to comply with this condition, to remove and despatch such exhibits and property at the risk and expense of the Exhibitor to the address of the Exhibitor as shown on the Contract.


The time allowed for dismantling of stands will be given in the Exhibitors’ Manual. Exhibitors are prohibited from breaking their stand before close of business on the last day and may not bring boxes or packing cases into the exhibition hall or remove items from the exhibition before closing time.


Immediately after the Exhibition closes Exhibitors must remove portable exhibits, display material and personal effects from their stands on the last day under the supervision of authorised members of their staff to ensure their safety. Notwithstanding instructions issued specifically for the closing night of the Exhibition, the security of exhibits, stands, furniture, etc, during the remaining days of the breakdown period is wholly the responsibility and the risk of the Exhibitor, his agent or contractor and the Organisers will not be responsible for any losses that occur.


32. Damage to premises or fittings


Exhibitors are responsible for the cost of making good, restoring or renewing in all cases of damage or dilapidation to the Exhibition premises or any part thereof, whether caused by themselves, their agents or contractors or by any person or persons employed or engaged on their behalf by any such agent or contractor.


Exhibitors occupying shell stands are also responsible for the cost of making good, restoring or renewing any damage or dilapidation to shell stand structures, floor coverings, light fittings, or any part thereof whether caused by themselves, their agents or contractors or by any person or persons employed or engaged on their behalf by any such agent or contractor. The cost of making good any damage will be assessed by the shell stand contractor and charged to the Exhibitor. The Organisers in conjunction with the Landlords will inspect every site before build and after breakdown of the Exhibition.


Dilapidations include (by way of example only) marks caused by or to paint, distemper, mortar or plaster by any adhesive substances, bolts, screws or nails; battens, boarding, or any other material or substances attached or adhering to the walls, flooring or any parts of the building, loose wire or other things left behind. The cost of making good will be assessed by the Landlords and charged to the Exhibitor by the Organisers. In their own interests Exhibitors should satisfy themselves as to the condition of their site, both before erection and after clearance.


33. Stand Sharing


Any Exhibitor wishing to allow other companies to share their exhibition stand must request permission in writing from the Organisers.


The Organisers have absolute discretion to not allow stand sharing.

Authorisation to stand share is subject to the payment of a stand share fee of £750 + VAT (including mandatory media charge) as detailed in the contract. Stand Sharers will receive an editorial of 100 Words in the Conference and Exhibition Guide and will be included on exhibitor listings.


34. Health & Safety


All exhibitors and their contractors are obliged to provide health and safety documentation including risk assessments as requested by the Organisers. Exhibitors failing to provide the necessary documentation will not be allowed to construct their stand.

35. Sole Rights

It is not the Company’s policy to grant sole rights to any one Exhibitor. However the Organisers may in the interest of the Exhibition, and at their absolute discretion, agree not to allow duplication of exhibits.

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